Snowy Mason Jar Winter Candle Craft

Snowy Mason Jar Winter Candle Craft

This is a super easy craft, even for the non-crafty – like me!

Decorate your mason jar in any way you want. Be creative!

What You Will Need:
* Mason Jars
* Glue Gun
* Twine, Jute, or Ribbon
* Sparkle Spray
* Bells, Brads, Stickers, Rhinestones
* Epsom Salt
* Candles (real or battery operated)

First, outside, spray the twine with Sparkle Spray to give it a “glistening” look. Then, wrap the twine around the mouth of the mason jar, gluing parts of it to the jar.

Glue bells and stickers and rhinestones (that can be found in the“scrapbooking” section of your local craft store) to the twine.

You can use any decorations you like to fancify your mason jar!

Once all the glue dries, add your snow (Epsom Salt) and candles.

And Voila! You now have Snowy Mason Jar Candles!

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