Contact – Pr/Advertising

Thank you for your interest in “Katie Talks Carolina”!

If you would like me to review a product, host a giveaway, or for advertising rates you can contact me using the form below.

*I work alone. If you receive an email from anyone other than me requesting product on my behalf, please contact me first to confirm.

Advertising Options

All banners are subject to approval by me. I do not accept ads that land on pages that are not family friendly in nature. For pricing and sizes available, please contact me.

Blog/Editorial Posts

You can purchase an entire blog post. This can be a press release or to promote your business.  For pricing, please contact me.

Product Reviews

I love doing product reviews! In order to have your product/service reviewed, I do require a non-returnable, full sized free sample to use and thoroughly review. This item will be used by me or my family and I will post personal photos, as well as stock photos when doing the review post. Product reviews will also include multiple links back to your company and will remain in my blog archives for at least 6 months.


I like to run both a Review & Giveaway at the same time, but know that sometimes that is not available. We do offer an option for a Giveaway Only post. Contact me for details.

I also have a Media Kit available for viewing, please contact me for a copy of my Media Kit. The Media Kit includes all pricing information as well as statistics about my blog and the communities I am associated with.


I am always looking for sponsorships to conferences!


For more information you can me here:

Or, email me at katie at katietalkscarolina dot com.