Celebrate Valentine’s Day on a Budget

Celebrate Valentine’s Day on a Budget

8 ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day on a BudgetValentine's Day on a Budget

I get it, not everyone celebrates Valentine’s Day the same way. Some people don’t want to mortgage their house for a dozen roses. Some people don’t want to break the bank and fight the crowds for a Valentine’s Day Dinner. I get it. Ha! Some of us think Valentine’s Day is way over commercialized and don’t think we need to spend a fortune to show our loved ones we are thinking of them on Valentine’s Day so here are 8 ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day on a budget:

Plant, Not Flowers

valentines day on a budget, valentines dayBuy a plant instead of roses. Why? It is a gift they can enjoy year after year.


Eat at home! You can make a fabulous steak dinner for a fraction of the cost of most restaurant meals on Valentine’s Day or,  if the thought of cooking on Valentine’s ruins the mood completely, then go out for lunch instead of dinner, the menu prices are usually less expensive.

Move the Date

There is no rule that says you have to go out to dinner exactly on February 14th. Go out on a different night to take advantage of weekly specials that some restaurants offer.

Movie Night

moviesYou can go to the nearby Redbox and rent some movies for a buck or two a piece. Add some extra special treats like chocolate covered gourmet popcorn to make it a home-theater “experience.”


valentine's day on a budgetMake your own card! Valentine’s Day cards can easily run 5.00 or more and the thought behind making your own card is worth way more than that! Or, how about writing an old-fashioned love letter to your sweetie!


valentine's day on a budgetStart the day off with some heart shaped pancakes using a cookie cutter.

Using a heart cookie cutter send a heart shaped sandwich, heart shaped fruit, heart shaped sugar cookie and a sweet Valentine in your little one’s lunch box.

There’s nothing that says love like a homemade chocolate cake, brownie, or cookies. For Valentine’s Day, why not make it more special by making heart-shaped cookies, brownies, or a cake?

Have a Scavenger Hunt

Place little hearts all over with reasons why you love them written on the note. Give them a hint on each note where they can find the next one. At the last note, have a little stuffed animal or a small box of Hershey’s or Reese’s chocolates waiting for them. Gather up all the sweet notes so they can keep them in a scrapbook to look at later.

Make a Gift  – The Jar of Love

valentine's day on a budget

This is one of the simplest gifts you will ever give your significant other and yet it will most likely become one of the most treasured.

Use colored paper or construction paper to write short messages to fill a small glass jar. The messages can be funny, be a memory, or they can as simple as “I love the way you hug me”.

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