Historic Bost Grist Mill in Concord, NC

Historic Bost Grist Mill in Concord, NC

The Historic Bost Grist Mill has been around since the 1800’s and historical maps indicate it may have even been around in the late 1700’s.

Bost Grist Mill

Bost Grist Mill has been restored continues to grind corn into meal and grits and hosts special tours and events all year long.

Back in the 1700 and 1800’s, mills played a very important role in creating new towns and cities. Mills were built before schools, churches, post offices, roads and more because a town had to have a source of local food.  Townships often grew from these mill sites while roads, stores, post offices, and stables were the result of the economic benefits mills brought to their communities. Grist milling is a method of grinding grain (or corn grains) into bread by having the grain pressed between two stones.

bost grist mill

Historical maps indicate there were mills all along the Rocky River, and according to Gene Bost, the 6th generation Bost Grist  miller, Bost Grist Mill was considered the “premier” mill in the area. Bost Grist Mill was established in 1810 on the banks of the Rocky River.  The mill was restored in 1870 and in 1908, the building was washed off its foundation after severe storms struck Cabarrus County. Instead of just shutting the mill down, local residents helped reconstruct and relocate the mill to a much safer location just 200 yards from its original setting on Rocky River. When the Bost Grist Mill was located on the Rocky River, it was powered by water and could make up to 150 bushels a day.

The Bost Grist Mill that stands today is the same one that was restored in 1870, but has been continually updated and restored. The Bost Grist Mill also continues to use its 48” French Buhr Millstone to make cornmeal and grits. The French Buhr Millstone was a prized possession in its day as compared to local granite grinding stones.

Bost Grist Mill

The Bost Grist Mill is no longer powered by water or steam. Today it uses a gasoline system from an engine of a tractor and a belt and pulley system to run the mill.  The Bost Grist Mill offers tours and also still sells cornmeal and grits to the public. Many events are held annually at the The Bost Grist as well.

Upcoming Events:

“A Touch of Yesterday” 
Dates: October 1st – 2nd, 2016
Times: Saturday 10 am – 5 pm & Sunday 1 am – 5 pm

Bost Grist Mill
4701 Hwy 200
Concord, NC
Phone: (704) 782 – 1600

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