A Shirley Temple Drink is So Easy to Make!

A Shirley Temple Drink is So Easy to Make!

“What would you like to drink?” the waiter would ask. “A Shirley Temple drink!” I would reply.

Gosh, I remember those days like they were yesterday. Sitting at a table at a restaurant, ordering what I thought was a big, fancy drink! Shirley Temples all around, my sisters and I would say! Give us another round! Well, maybe we didn’t say “round” I don’t think we knew what a ’round of drinks’ actually was! AH HA!

What I do remember is LOVING a Shirley Temple drink and now, you can show off how you can make a Shirley Temple because it is so darn easy!

A Shirley Temple Drink is So Easy to Make!

A Shirley Temple Drink is So Easy to Make!


  • 1 cup ginger-ale
  • 2 1/2 - 3 tbs grenadine
  • Maraschino cherries


  1. Mix ginger-ale and grenadine.
  2. Serve over ice.
  3. Top with a maraschino cherry.
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Shirley Temple not your style? Then try one of these Lemonade recipes!

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