A couple of weeks ago, we decided to head down to Greenville, SC to spend the weekend. We are out to explore what North and South Carolina have to offer and Greenville was our first stop!
Prior to heading down though, I contacted the Greenville Convention & Visitors Bureau and Drury Inn & Suites Greenville.
Why should you visit Greenville, SC?
1. Close driving distance to Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas
2. Waterfalls, hiking, and camping for the outdoorsy type
3. Hip, cool, nightlife in Downtown Greenville
4. Many attractions including many museums, zoo, park, botanical gardens, and more!
We had a great, easy drive down the I-85 straight to Greenville. Along the way the sky was beautiful.
We also passed the Big Rear End Peach in Gaffney and the kids got a kick out of that!
Come back in the next couple of days and explore Greenville, SC with us!
If you can’t wait that long to see what Greenville has to offer, then head on over to the Greenville Convention & Visitors Bureau!
So what did you do there???? Are you leaving me hanging?
HAHA – Come back tomorrow to read about where we stayed and what we did!
big rear end in the sky hahahaaaamy boys and i always laugh at that too!
AHAHHAHA! LOL I know…did you know they had to paint it even “oranger” so that people would stop calling it the “butt” in the sky?
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