Unique Father’s Day Gifts
Check out these unique Father's Day gifts. I don't know about you, but I am always looking for a unique gift for my Dad for Father's Day. Don't Dads seem to always have everything? And when you ask w...
ReadmoreBest Plot Twist Books – Shutter Island
One of the Best Plot Twist Books I have read is Shutter Island. If you have not read or seen the movie, I would highly recommend reading Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane for a fantastic plot twist. ...
ReadmoreInvisible Monsters Chuck Palahniuk – Twisted Plot
I was on a mission to find books with a twisted plot. And holy, moly did I find a twisted plot with Chuck Palahniuk's Invisible Monsters. It was the first book I happened to find at my local used ...
ReadmoreBooks with the Best Plot Twists
 I am looking for books with the best plot twists! Right now I am looking for books with the best plot twists! I am an avid reader...that is when I make the time for myself. I can get totally engross...
ReadmoreDC Super Hero Girls
DC Super Hero Girls Rock! If your kids are looking for action-packed girl power, look no further than DC Super Hero Girls. DC Entertainment’s latest animated series features a dynamic group o...
ReadmoreAnti Aging Products – Timeless Skin Care
I need anti aging products now? Sheesh. Maybe I have been living under a rock, but I guess it is time for me to start using anti aging products now, or else go get a needle of botox in my face. Actua...
ReadmoreBook Review – Radium Halos by Shelley Stout – Local Author
Radium Halos - A novel about the Radium Dial Painters Shelley Stout is a local Charlotte author and recently I had the chance to read her book, Radium Halos. The book is written from the view of Hele...
ReadmoreHuntersville History Your Affectionate Daughter, Isabella
What We're Reading Huntersville History - Your Affectionate Daughter, Isabella by Ann Williams North Carolina Author I love reading books about local North Carolina history. Especially cities I driv...