SERIOUSLY. Watch out Black Lion, when your customers visit Village Emporium, well, they might have to think about which one to visit the next time they are out shopping – No joke. Located on Sardis Road North in Charlotte, Village Emporium is tucked away in a little shopping center, but once you open the door you will be surprised at just how large Village Emporium is.
Now, I walked in and Dianne (the owner) and a few other ladies were behind the counter happily wrapping peoples orders. I, on the other hand, was thinking, “There is no way I can walk out of here without buying something! Go put your wallet in the truck Katie – NOW!” Do you think that happened?! No way! I couldn’t even walk 10 feet in the store without stopping to look at something. Handmade jewelry, home decor, paintings, flags, artwork, furniture, kitchenware, antiques, I was in Shopping Heaven. You know that place? Where you just find TOO MUCH that you want to buy?
“Put your wallet in your car..put your wallet in your car.” I kept repeating to myself. Since Dianne was still behind the counter, I quietly introduced myself and told her I was going to walk around. I HAD to see what was down all these aisles..It was like my feet were burning to move.
Village Emporium is a shop that is comprised of little booths or rooms that vendors sell their merchandise out of…the same as Black Lion. However, what you see in Village Emporium is that every booth, every rack, is full of different things, unique gifts, handmade merchandise. I don’t think I saw two booths that were identical, like you see at Black Lion.
“Put your wallet in your car..put your wallet in your car.” Now, this little voice was starting to irritate me. Seriously.
I must give a shout out to Jill Lang Photography. She does beautiful work. Have you seen her photography? She has a booth at Village Emporium herself and over the weekend during the Sidewalk Sale (oh yes! They have sidewalk sales!) she even had a few of her pieces marked down. You could have grabbed a beautiful photo for a very good price!
Face it…You are never going to get me to shut up about Village Emporium. Each turn, each glance, was another treat to my eyes. “Oh, maybe I could use that in my kitchen!” “Maybe that would look good on my front porch!” “My sister would love those earrings.” “Betsy HAS to have that head piece.”
“Put your wallet in your car..put your wallet in your car.” Oh SHUT UP VOICE – I yelled to my voice as I picked up a headband for Betsy. It is so cute for a 9 year old. This is just the type of thing she is into…feathers, string, feminine. Now…If I can only hold out for Christmas to give it to her.
At this point, that little voice that was telling me to “Put your wallet in the car” knew it had lost. It was all over when I picked up that first item. Because, then I continued to pick up items. A craft project for Betsy, a sports bracelet for Reece, a ring for me, and a necklace for me. NOTHING I had in my hands was over 6 dollars. NOTHING. Talk about some great steals!
Other great products you can find at Village Emporium include:
Hammond Clocks
Mary Kay
and more…there is no way I can list everything they offer so you might as well head over there a take a look for yourself.
You will be happy you did. It is like walking into a huge Treasure Chest and you are the Treasure Hunter – You never know what you will find around the next corner.
As for me? Oh yea, I will definitely be back – Sooner rather than later – See you there!
What a fun little shop!
Ohhhh I could spend forever in a store like that!!
Not So Average Mama recently posted..How do You Keep Up with Your Checking Account?
Katie, I LOVE the photos and the gracious comments you made in the blog post!!! Thank you for such a fantastic job! I am so glad you were able to come out and experience a place that is so fulfilling in my life. Can’t wait for you to return!!!
I meant every word I said – and you can bet I will be back…. 🙂
What a neat little shop! Forget leaving your wallet in the car next time, you better put your license in your pocket and leave the wallet at home! 😉
LeeAnn recently posted..What is Klout? – A Late Night Friday Funny
Great blog about the store!
You’re right, even though I’m a vendor there, it’s hard for me to walk out without buying something. And it really is a very affordable place to shop.
Jill recently posted..Elk
I am getting such great feedback from the blog post you did for us!! It is THE BEST RESPONSE I have ever gotten from any advertising!!! You did a fantastic job!!!
Thanks again,
Dianne and Village Emporium
Awww. Thanks So much! I am so glad to hear it!!!
I will be back soon to just shop, shop shop,…second Saturday in November I think!!!
I LOVE stores like this! They really are a dangerous shopping experience though, you can never get out without spending more than you intended to. 🙂
Amy T. recently posted..Welcome to the 1st #SpreadTheWarmth Charity Raffle #Giveaway Event!
I love shops like this. There are always so many cool treasures to be found!
love boutiques like this, so fun to browse for hours
I want to go!!!
I am the owner of “Retro Junque” inside the Village Emporium. This was a great article, thank you! In my booth, I am now selling homegrown, organic Herbal Teas, Lavender Bath Salts, Goats Milk Soaps, and Lotions. Please join us for our Holiday Open House on Thurs. Dec 1st, i will be there to let you sample my teas, and taste some yummy lavender cookies. There will be prizes given out every hour, discounts and lots of fun!
Thanks for stopping by Joanne! I wish I could make it Thursday – But I will be back (again and again and again) that’s for sure!
[…] Village Emporium has always reminded me of a smaller version of the Black Lion. […]